I am incredibly passionate about change and share about my own changes often. I have changed my entire life, in a relatively short space of time. From addiction to recovery, from living as female to transitioning to male, from being held back by poor mental health to learning to live my life around it. These profound changes have made me passionate about helping and inspiring others to make changes in their own lives. Often, when I talk with people about change, the common response is, ‘How did you change your life? I don’t know how to begin’. Therefore, in this blog, I want to answer that question. Whilst I would love to offer you a magic ingredient, it is not in my power! Instead, I can share the things that I have found helpful in my change journey. I hope you find them helpful too.
The Change Process – How to Change Your Life
Whatever change you are looking to make, a career change, coming out, going through gender transition, or overcoming addiction, these are all subject to the same process. First, there is an awareness that something in your life doesn’t feel right or isn’t working. Next, emerges a gradual awakening as to what you think you might want instead. Then, you must make the journey between those two places. To move from awareness of what you don’t want and arrive at the conception of what you do want. However, be warned, this is never a linear journey. Often, when we start to change our life, our goals shift as we go through an inner change in the process. It is important then, to stay self-aware during the process.
Change Starts with Acceptance
When you first start out on your journey of change, it is important, to be honest with yourself about what you want to change and why. This may seem obvious, but it really isn’t! Denial is a large reason why lots of us stay stuck in unhappy lives. We must get rid of any denial first because otherwise, the change will be very hard to make. With my alcoholism, for example, I had to admit I had a problem first before I could then truly begin to change. Once we remove denial we move into acceptance, which is the foundation from which to begin to build something new.
Take Personal Responsibility – Only You Can Change Your Life
Another aspect that can hamper our ability to change our lives, is not taking full responsibility for our lives. If we are to move forward, we need to not only accept that we have a problem, but also that it is only us who can do anything about it. Of course, other people can support us, but ultimately, the power to change is only ever in our hands.
This can be a difficult concept to embrace, especially if you are overcoming a difficult past. I struggled with this aspect myself, for many years. Having had several awful things happen to me during my early years, I was angry at the world. At that time, the idea that changing was my responsibility, made me feel even more let down. I desperately wanted someone to rescue me, to fix me, to make everything better. However, over my time in recovery, I have come to see personal responsibility not as abandonment but as empowerment. That I have full control over how I respond to life and all that happens, is a powerful thing to realise. By taking personal responsibility, the power to change is firmly in our hands.
If You Want to Change Your Life Drop the Excuses
Taking personal responsibility also means dropping all our excuses for why we can’t change. We are all guilty of excuses big and small such as, ‘I would go to the gym, but I don’t have the time’, or ‘I’m trying to stop smoking but my partner smokes so it’s too difficult’.
There is no denying change is hard. There is also no denying that people and places can often be against us. For example, I had some huge obstacles when I began my gender transition. To overcome my gender dysphoria, I needed to change my body. I needed to transition my body from female to male, which for me meant hormones and surgery. However, with the huge waiting lists, a large part of my transition was entirely out of my control.
Whilst it was completely valid to feel frustrated with the system, it was a waste of precious time and energy to sit around moaning about it. Moaning wouldn’t change things. Although the system was out of my control, choosing how I responded to the situation was completely within my control. Besides, the long waiting lists didn’t have to completely stop me changing, I just had to focus on the changes immediately accessible to me. I focused instead on changing my inner world, developing my self-awareness and resilience, which ultimately also helped me to cope with my transition and with the long waiting times.
So, when you catch yourself thinking about change and saying the word “but”, check-in with yourself, is this really an obstacle or is it an excuse?
Stop Doing The Same Thing and Expecting Different Results

How many of us say, ‘Starting Monday, I’m on a diet/stopping smoking/starting yoga’? (My hand is in the air right now! )
Stop putting it off and just do it.
There are two sayings, that I love, which help me to break the Monday habit those are:
“If you want a different life, you have to live differently
“The definition of madness is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results.”
Pin one of these on your wall or find your own to remind yourself that if you are going to change, you have to change how you do things.

Change Requires a Leap of Faith
Once we have accepted the need to change, removed our denial, dropped the excuses and taken personal responsibility for our life, we are finally ready to begin. However, taking the first step on a new path can be the hardest part. The reason why change is so difficult, even when we are dreadfully unhappy, is because of the fear of the unknown. As it is often said, “Better the devil you know!”
We don’t like who we are, or how our lives are, but we are at least familiar with it. Stepping into something new means stepping completely into the unknown and this can feel terrifying. I have experienced this fear of the unknown often during my changes. What if I said I was male, then decided transition wasn’t right for me? Who would I be if I didn’t drink alcohol, would I be sober and boring?
My advice when this comes up for you is to trust the process and give it time. If you have worked through all the other steps, acceptance, taking personal responsibility and so on, you will have brought the need for change into your consciousness. Once we are self-aware of an issue, it is very difficult to move back into denial. We can only stay stuck in unhappiness when we are unconscious to the need for change.
So, trust the process. sit with those uncomfortable feelings and keep them conscious. Pay attention to your inner world. Eventually, there will come a time when the fear of staying the same far outweighs the fear of change, and that is when the magic happens, and change begins!

Change Happens One Day At a Time
Once you begin your path to change, the destination can seem a long way off. Do not let this put you off or set you back. Remember that everyone starts at the beginning. Besides, change isn’t a destination, it is a process. And, as I mentioned earlier, the act of change can, in turn, shift your goals and desires.
I had a vision of myself when I entered recovery, and ideas of what my future could look like. However, I could never have known I would go through gender transition or be starting my own business. These things emerged as I put down the drink which consequently, changed how I felt and how I saw the world and my place in it.
Instead, as you set out, do keep your future goal as a motivation, but put all of your attention on this very moment. By walking your change path one day at a time, not only will you get more joy from the process, but you will also stay alert to all the other opportunities along the way.
I really hope this helps you to get started in whatever changes you are looking to make. If these tips have helped, or if you would like to share other things that have helped you, or just to chat about the wonderful scary thing which is change, Id love to chat in the comments below!

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Hello! My name is Finn and I have a passion for creating honest content, that inspires personal growth and promotes well-being.
Buy my Phalloplasty memoir here.
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*Please note, this blog contains affiliate links which means when you buy through me. I may make a little commission. However, this is of no extra cost to you, and I only recommend products that I have personally found helpful.
[…] share passionately about recovery and overcoming challenges. However, recovery to me isn’t necessarily about being symptom-free. To me, recovery is about […]
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[…] August is a month of many milestones. I am celebrating my graduation, my sobriety birthday, and the anniversary of completing my gender transition. Each individual milestone is incredible, but together they leave me overwhelmed with gratitude for how different my life is today. In this blog, I wanted to share this joy with you. I also hope it might be an inspiration for how much change is possible when we set our intentions the right way. […]
[…] isn’t working in our lives. As the saying goes, we must admit we have a problem, before we can start to change it. However, we can often not know what the problem is. If there are areas of our lives that are […]
[…] The book I recommend: The Power Of Now: https://amzn.to/2MUHglj Blog: How To Change: https://finlaygames.com/change-your-life-a-guide-on-how-to-begin/ Please feel free to like, subscribe and share! http://bit.ly/2FblWnq […]
[…] working in our lives. As the saying goes, we must admit we have a problem, before we can start to change it. However, we can often not know what the problem is. If there are areas of our lives that are […]
[…] I am incredibly pleased with how the presentation went. This was a huge achievement professionally, as I continue to develop my freelance writing and speaking business. However, this was a massive personal achievement too because it highlighted just how far I have come. As we enter 2020 it’s not only a new year but also a new decade. To think of where I was ten years ago. To imagine me on that stage. Wow, I could never have imagined it. This shows that it truly is possible, for anyone to change their lives and achieve their dreams. […]
[…] vital aspect of change is to develop new habits. Rather than thinking about what you might be missing, think about what new things you can bring […]
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[…] There you will find 12035 more Infos: finlaygames.com/change-your-life-a-guide-on-how-to-begin/ […]
[…] of the most powerful things about self-development books is that they can inspire us to change what isn’t working in our lives. Additionally, they can help us to feel less alone. When I began reading self-development books, I […]
I know that I need to change and I know how to change but actually doing it is my problem! I’ll take all the practical and emotional steps to prepare but then a few days in I’m back to my old habits. I just don’t know how to stick it out through the uncomfortableness :/.
I can relate to this, you are not alone! Its a case of just keep trying, if you manage for 2 days, that’s amazing! That’s 2 days that someone else who isnt trying doesn’t have! Just keep picking yourself up, dusting yourself off and starting again. it is progress not perfection which counts and it WILL stick eventually!
I really needed to read this today, thank you finn xxxx
Thanks for reading, I hope it helped!
Change is happening slowly for me, with a job and travel. New experiences and perceptions all invite change, but it happens, as you say, when you step out and do something different. It may be as simple as altering the order of your daily routine. Mix it up a little!
Sometimes quickly, sometimes slowly. It really doesn’t matter the speed, its progress not perfection as they say! Mixing it up a little is great advice!
Well said!
Thank you!
Thank you! And thanks for reading!
You are welcome
Loved this
Thank you so much!
You are welcome
Very beautiful post, specially about excuses. Life is all about change..
It is indeed, and thank you!
I love this post! Thanks for sharing these tips for making a change! I saved it!
Thank you so much for reading, I am very glad that you enjoyed it!
Taking responsibility for our lives is the hardest thing! My favorite saying is: we are exactly where we are meant to be.
I agree, it was the hardest thing for me and took me many many years to put into practice. I love that saying too! Thanks for your comment!
Great post! It’s so hard to follow these but I believe it’s worth it in the end. You’re an inspiration in that regards because you’ve come through so much. You’ve managed to change your life into something wonderful and full of love!
It is very hard, but in truth, staying in an unhappy place is much harder! Thank you for kind words!
Really inspiring and so motivating!! Thanks for sharing!!!
Thanks so much for reading, very glad you enjoyed it!