In living with various mental health challenges, (depression, anxiety, personality disorder, self harm and addiction, to name a few!) I have amassed a wealth of knowledge. In my years in recovery, where I have been able to live life despite of and around my continuing challenges, I have found many tools to be helpful.

This Mental Health Tools and Resources page is a free list of  advice, information and support, gathered by my own experience along the way. I am passing them on in the hope that they will help you too.

Some of the following links are affiliate links, meaning I may earn a small commission. This is of no extra cost to you and you can rest assured that I only ever recommend something which has been useful to me.

This is an organic list which I continually add to and expand on. To stay up to date with my recommendations, there is also a free Newsletter which you can subscribe to here.  You can also stay up to date with all my recommended products and tools by following my Amazon page here

Mental health and Recovery resources

Support and Advice

Never struggle alone or suffer in silence. There are many networks, charities and organisations which offer various types of help and support. Its also worth doing a google search of where you live for specific local support. For example, where I live we have Coastal Well-being which offers various groups and courses to help support good mental health

MIND: this incredible charity offers so much support for people with mental health challenges. As well as helplines , drop in centres and support groups, they also offer lots of different well-being courses, for example in improving self-esteem or learning mindfulness meditation.

The Samaritans: are there for anyone struggling with thoughts of suicide and not knowing where to turn. There are many diferent ways to contact them, by email, phone, text or at drop in centres

No Panic: Charity offering support for sufferers of panic attacks and obsessive compulsive disorder (OCD). Offers a course to help overcome your phobia/OCD. Includes a helpline.

Alcoholics Anonymous: Worldwide network of support for anyone struggling with alcohol

Recommended Mental Health, personal Development and self help books

The Road Less Travelled by M. Scott Peck this book is my all time favourite self help/personal development book. It is full of wisdom, tough love and practical common sense advice. You cannot help by grow from reading this and I recommend all of Scott’s books in this series. 

Cool Water by William Alexander: this book has a wonderful take on alcoholism and recovery and I get something different from it every time I re read it. 

Feel the fear and do it anyway by Susan Jeffers:this book is incredibly powerful and transformative. It has helped me to better manage my anxiety and be able to do the things that scare me, regardless of it. 

Feel the fear and do it anyway by Susan Jeffers:this book is incredibly powerful and transformative. It has helped me to better manage my anxiety and be able to do the things that scare me, regardless of it. 

A Sad and Sorry State of Disorder : A Journey into Borderline Personality Disorder (and out the Other Side) by Tracy Barker: this is such a beautiful, honest and inspiring read ad gives a unique insight into living with Borderline Personality Disorder

When Everything Changes, Change Everything : In a time of turmoil, a pathway to peace by Neale Donald Walsch : I love all of Neale’s books but thus one especially is full of great insights and practical common sense advice on dealing with change. 

Self-care & Recovery Tools

Building a mental health tool kit is a vital aspect of recovery. These are some of the things I have found useful to practice self-care and help maintain good mental health

Self-care Tools

Self- care is more than hot baths and a good book. However, having access to things you enjoy doing and therefore help to lower stress, is a vital part of staying well. There are some of my favourite self -care tools that I use to deal with stress and unwind. 

Adult Colouring Books: Colouring books for adults have seen a huge rise in popularity. I have been using colouring books for years, as a way to manage anxiety, de-stress and distract my self in recovering from self-harm. Its lovely now, that there are books designed especially for adults, and these contain beautiful intricate patterns and designs. They are a joy to lose yourself in! 

Buddhify: Meditation is a fantastic tool for managing anxiety and low mood. Buddhify makes learning meditation incredibly simple. There are a huge selection of guided meditations, and various themes depending on what you need help with, for example, managing stress, dealing with difficult emotions or overcoming anxiety. 

Creating a positive environment: our immediate surroundings, where we spend the majority of our time, can greatly affect our mood. I wrote a detailed  blog post, sharing the ways in which we can create a positive environment to improve and maintain good mental health. 

Recovery Resources

I have created many articles and videos on managing mental health, learning self-care and developing recovery tools. You can find lots of info on my website and on my YouTube mental health playlist, but here are a selection of my most useful.

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Finlay Games is the founder of The Recovery Writer and the host of Finntheinfinncible. He is a freelance writer and speaker for hire, who advocates, informs and inspires on topics of mental health, recovery, gender transition, and sexuality.