Its been a while since I updated about my professional writing progress. And, as you can see by the title of this blog post, I have some rather fantastic news to share!
Its been a while since I updated about my professional writing progress. And, as you can see by the title of this blog post, I have some rather fantastic news to share!
As a self- employed freelance writer and content creator, it can be too easy to spend my time isolated indoors. However, spending too much time indoors isn’t good for my mental health, or anyone’s mental health for that matter. To give myself a change of scenery, I make an effort to get outside and write in various cafe’s. I thought it might be fun to share some of my favourite writing places with you. Here then, is a cafe review of Deliciously Gorgeous in Eastbourne.
When I decided I wanted to start writing for a living, my main obstacle was self-doubt. I put off sending pitches to editors and publishers because I thought I should wait until I was a better writer. The trouble is that I am my own worst critic, being a perfectionist comes as naturally to me as breathing. Therefore I often never feel good enough and fail to even start because of this self-doubt.
Having declared myself to be a writer, I now need to develop this into a business which will allow me to write for a living. Currently, I am not quite sure what that will look like. However, it helps me to remember that I have a lot of experience.
If you are familiar with me across all my other social media platforms, then you may have noticed some changes happening. I’ve been fiddling about with header images, taglines, personal bio’s and generally spamming your news-feed with all these changes (sorry about that!). Lots of you have been asking, “What’s going on?”
Grab yourself a cup of tea and a biscuit and let me tell you.
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