writers life

In beginning freelance writing, I feel like I have no idea what I’m doing. I mean I know what I’m doing, but I don’t know if I am doing it right. Yes, I have read a lot of books, articles, posts etc, but I still feel like I am feeling my way around in the dark. Its exciting and terrifying all at once.

Initial Success in beginning freelance writing

I am enjoying writing, I’m enjoying the daily habit and developing my style and technique. It’s been a wonderful confirmation to have my first essay published. It was a welcome bonus to have valuable input from the editor, Lilly, at Narratively; I learned a lot in that process for which I am grateful. I’ve even had another editor message me to ask me to pitch to them, which gave me a lovely warm fuzzy feeling of confirmation too. I’m still waiting to hear back from that one.

Early Questions In Beginning Freelance Writing

There is a lot of excitement in beginning freelance writing, however, there is a lot of fear too. I have loads of questions which really can only be answered as I move forward which really makes me feel like I am flying by the seat of my pants.

  • What if I can’t make this freelance career work? Am I doing things right? Am I missing something? What do I do from here?
  • What about my topics, how does one discover one’s niche? Is a niche necessary? 
  • I have a broad first-hand experience knowledge base which I want to write about, gender, sexuality, mental health, addiction. Do I narrow it down to simplify it? Or do I find a label as a ‘cover all?’
  • If I had to narrow my writing down to one label, it would be ‘recovery and change,’ which is why I chose ‘The Recovery Writer’ as a name for this blog. The theme of recovery and change is at the heart of all my writing, no matter what the topic. Is this too diverse?
  • What about the style of writing. Do I now stick with writing personal essays as this has been a success? Do I continue sending out short stories, or give up on that as I’ve had no success? Do I try my hand at articles? Should I be looking into copywriting? Ghostwriting?

I guess these a standard questions for anyone setting out. Yes, I have researched, but really, I am none the wiser. Every time I research, I learn something new. Then the possibilities, way to write, who to write for, how to write, get bigger and bigger, and I end up with even more questions.

Oh my goodness my head is spinning.

On the starting blocks of beginning freelance writing

I’m waiting to become officially self-employed. As part of my back to work plan, I am transitioning from sickness benefits, hopefully onto the New Enterprise Allowance. This will (fingers crossed) be happening in the next couple of months. In the meantime, while asking myself all these questions, I’m working my way through my business plan (I’ve got a fair few new grey hairs from doing so). I have a set of brand spanking new business cards, I’m promoting myself, tweaking my social media sites, learning about SEO. I’m working my little finger pads off, but I still have no idea if I’m doing all the right things.

Please tell me that every new freelance writer feels this way!