Man in bed having a duvet day reading a book

I make no apologies for the fact that one of my top wellness tools is to allow myself a duvet day. Living with chronic mental and physical health challenges is exhausting. Having a quiet day, to do nothing but gentle self-care helps me to stay well.

Duvet days don’t have to be just for those with health conditions. In a world that demands constant productivity, taking a day for yourself is vital for everyone. Duvet days in this way, are not lazy days off, they are time-out days for purposeful intent.  Here are some ideas on what to do on a duvet day and how to use it in ways that serve you best.

What Is a Duvet Day?

A duvet day is a day off where you give yourself permission to relax under the duvet, in bed, or on the sofa. These are also often called a mental health day. Duvets are not mandatory! The whole point is to just give yourself an entire day off, to completely rest and recharge. A duvet day for me is just one of many routines I use to maintain good mental health.

Planning a Duvet Day

Sometimes I plan my duvet day in advance. If I have a busy week of deadlines, I will schedule in a duvet day as part of that week. I know that I work better and stay well, when I factor in days off.

Other times though, because my mental and physical health conditions fluctuate, I might wake, and see the early warning signs I am not well. Then I will quickly put a duvet plan in place if I can. This is why I am self-employed and work from home. For me, a key way I stay well is with flexibility and being able to change my days around depending on my health needs.

Setting Up The Day

The key thing about duvet days being a wellness tool, is to do them with purpose. This means that we do things on our duvet day, that nourish and nurture us.

  • The first thing I like to do on a duvet day, after having a lie-in, is to have a warm shower, treat my body to a quick moisture massage with good skincare, and put on clean pajamas.
  • Next, I decide whether my day will be in bed or on the sofa. Then, I make that space warm and cozy, with lots of pillows and blankets.
  • I then gather some healthy snacks for the day, decide on an easy meal to cook or order in, fill a water bottle to stay hydrated, and a thermal mug to keep my coffee warm.
  • Next, I start gathering items that I want to use so they are at hand.

Suggested Self-Care Activities To Try

These are some of the self-soothing things l like to do on a duvet day

  • Pop on a playlist of favorite songs and sing along (sorry neighbors). Sometimes l use Spotify, or YouTube and then look up some of my old classic favorites and sing along.
  • Get out my bullet journal and do some reflective writing
  • Settle down and read a book or listen to audible
  • Get out my coloring pens and coloring book

Duvet Days in Balance

Taking a day off like this can really help us to rest, recharge, and step back into my week with renewed vigor and resilience. However, I always keep an eye on my need for duvet days. One a week is healthy, but too many of them, can be counter-productive and make our mental health worse. If I find I am craving them more then it is a sign I need to adjust my life so that I am not overwhelmed. If this is happening for you, if one day doesn’t help to improve things, then do reach out for some help and support. Everything in balance!

Do you already take duvet/mental health days, or are you considering doing so after reading this blog? Do let me know in the comments below, love to chat!

Hello! My name is Finn and I have a passion for creating honest content, that inspires personal growth and promotes well-being.

Buy my Phalloplasty memoir here.

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