"Its Never Too Late To Be Who You Might Have Been"

Tag: self development

2025 Intentions and Wintering: Letting Go and Leaning In

hands wrapped in jumper sleaves are cupping a mug of coffee. In the background is a book covered in three crisp red autumn leaves.

As we settle into the new year, I’ve been reflecting on where I am in life, what I want to focus on, and how I can embrace the practice of wintering in 2025. Wintering isn’t just about the colder months; it’s a powerful metaphor for those times in life when we need to pause, rest, and reflect. It’s about embracing stillness and giving ourselves the space to heal and rediscover who we are. This year, my 2025 intentions are centered on taking the time to truly slow down and focus on self-care, allowing myself to let go of old expectations and embrace the quiet.

Chronic Illness Acceptance -Mastering Being Sick

A man is lying n bad with an eye mask wrapped around his head and smiling. The text over the image reads, mastering being long term sick

It’s been a long time since I have written anything for my blog. It’s all a bit of a mess over here and in need of a refresh! I really would like to be writing here again. To do that, I need first to write an update, to bring you up to speed on where I’m at in terms of my chronic illness. Where I am at is an interesting place. I’ve reached a level of acceptance with my health, where although there is still a sense of loss, there is also a much greater sense of peace. Although it seems like strange terminology to use, I feel like I am finally mastering how to be sick!

Learning to Share Achievements | Getting Out Of My Own Way

man with arms out celebrating his acheievements

Why does it always feel awkward to blow our own trumpets? I have been recently nominated, for the LGBT+ Positive Role Model award in the National Diversity Awards. This is an incredible honor and achievement; I am extremely proud. However, I have been finding it hard to post publicly about it. Every time I do, I feel embarrassed. Why is this? Why am I embarrassed about sharing my accomplishment and pride?

4 Diverse Trans Stories By Transgender People

A pile of books of various colours. Text reads, 4 diverse trans stories by transgender people

Trans stories are far more diverse than those we often read in mainstream media. As transgender people, we come to discover ourselves as trans in a wide variety of ways. Then, the paths we choose in transitioning, are equally as varied. However, it is all too common to hear just one kind of transgender narrative, and not be aware of the huge diversity that exists within our community. In this blog post, I share four book recommendations* which help to highlight the wonderful diversity within our community.

Why You Should Start the New Year with Reflection not Resolution

Happy new year sign. Text reads new year reflection not resolution, finlaygames.com

Happy New Year! New Year is a time where lots of us make resolutions. However, what often happens is that within a couple of months those New Year resolutions are forgotten. In this blog, I’m going to talk about why resolutions fail and why making time for New Year reflection, is a more productive way to start a year.

The Power of Acceptance and How To Practice It

Hand held outward with a feather floating above it. Text reads, how to practice acceptance

Every day something happens to us that we can’t control or change, and this can understandably cause us a lot of pain. But what is really causing our pain, is it the thing that happened, or is it our resistance to it? And, if we don’t resist these things, does acceptance mean we are just passively giving in? In this blog, I want to clear up some misunderstandings of acceptance and show how learning to practice acceptance can greatly improve our mental wellbeing.

The Miracle Morning Routine | 6 Steps To Transform Your Day

A bedside table with an alarm clock next to a bed. Text reads 6 staps to a better morning, my miracle morning routine

Many people don’t like mornings. Getting out of that comfy bed can feel like a chore. But, with a well-practiced morning routine, it is possible to start the day with a completely different mindset. If you want to transform your mornings and start your days off on a productive note, the Miracle Morning routine could be just what you are looking for! In this blog, I’ll share my personal take, on the Miracle Morning technique.

6 Self-Development Books That Changed My Life

In today’s blog, I want to share my top favourite self-development books with you. Whether you call them self-help, self-improvement or self-development books, these are always my favourite genre of books to read. I love these types of books because every time I read one, I learn something new about myself and the way I interact with the world, and I grow from the experience.

Change Your Life- A Guide On How To Begin

A long  deserted road stretching out for miles in the dessert towards a vast mountain range. Text overlay reads, changing your life, a guide on how to start out on the journey of change

I am incredibly passionate about change and share about my own changes often. I have changed my entire life, in a relatively short space of time. From addiction to recovery, from living as female to transitioning to male, from being held back by poor mental health to learning to live my life around it. These profound changes have made me passionate about helping and inspiring others to make changes in their own lives. Often, when I talk with people about change, the common response is, ‘How did you change your life? I don’t know how to begin’. Therefore, in this blog, I want to answer that question. Whilst I would love to offer you a magic ingredient, it is not in my power! Instead, I can share the things that I have found helpful in my change journey. I hope you find them helpful too.

Ten Years at Glastonbury Festival – A (Personal) Reflection

A montage of Finlay Games at Glastonbury festival over ten years. Test reads 10 years at Glastonbury festival

You can experience Glastonbury Festival in many different ways because it is so vast in size and varied in entertainment. For some, it might be a drunken five days and hazy memories. For me, it is the most awake five days I spend in a year because all my senses are on fire.

Glastonbury Festival you see is much more to me than just a music festival. It is a place in which I have gone through profound changes. I have attended the festival ten times, four of those times I was drunk, stoned and living a life that wasn’t mine. The last six times I have attended sober and as a completely new person, as a transgender man.

The Comfort Zone And Why It Is An Illusion

Anxiety is such an exhausting beast. To venture outside my comfort zone, with it turning cartwheels in my gut, often feels like too much of an ask. Anxiety says that to keep it quiet, I must do as it commands. I must avoid all risks, avoid new people, and always say no to anything I’ve never done before, for fear of looking like an idiot. Anxiety tells me this is the way to feel comfortable and prevent mental pain. Anxiety is a big fat liar. 

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